
This blog is about my moments, experiences, works, and activities as an Openschooler...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Wonderful Thursday

March 18, 2010...

It was 4:30 am in the morning when Zakiran, our little brother suddenly comes in our room and touches my right foot with his cold hands...

"Salamu 'Alaykum, Kakah Haleema, Kakah Ajran, wake up naa..." he whispers.

As we got up, I remembered that I had taken my Sahur earlier...
And so everything goes...

I heard the morning call of prayer which I haven't heard for a while. The voices of the muezzins from all the mosques in this village merged into another voice in the soft morning air...

How nice it was to wake up early in the morning but then, I slept again.

I woke up again at 10 am from the noises Ajran and Zakiran were making while playing in Aj's bed.
I was about to ask her why didn't she wake me up when I remembered one of house rules. 

"Don't wake up a fasting person from his/her sleep."

Alhamdulillah all of us were able to do everything we needed to do for the day. 

By Maghrib time, the 5 of us were left at home with our Iftars layed out in the dining table. Amah and Auntie Salha had left earlier for their classes...

We made sure that everyone was ready for iftar before we ate.

With bread, tea, dates, and chicken curry... We were SOLVED!!

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